In this course you will

  • Acknowledge the indigenous roots of this work & the intentional erasure & disconnection from those roots.

  • Explain how the basics of the Restorative Process can meet the needs of all parties impacted by conflict and harm.

  • Examine how White Supremacy Culture harms all people by disconnecting us from ourselves & each other

  • Create actionable steps to fight for equity, dismantle systems of oppression & control in classrooms and beyond.

  • Make the life-long commitment to align your individual behaviors to Anti-Racist & Restorative values.

You will NOT learn Restorative ways of being by passively watching this video training.

FULLY engaging in this course means...

  • Setting aside AT LEAST 3 hours to engage in the material (it doesn't have to be in one session)

  • Take time pause and follow prompts for reflection.

  • Take what you learn and practice what you learn in the world..

Course curriculum

    1. How to navigate this course

    2. Before you start!

    3. Introductions

    1. Restorative Justice History & Definitions

    2. Racial Justice Frameworks

    3. Feelings & Needs

    4. RJ Tree Overview + WSC Antidotes

    5. Implementation & Closing

    6. Keep Learning

About this course

  • $97.00
  • 9 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content

Take the next step on your Restorative Journey!