This workshop is for:

ANYONE who's looking to understand how the framework of intersectionality is a vital lens for building a more just and equitable world. It is ESPECIALLY helpful for

  • Restorative Justice Practitioners (no matter your job title or profession)

  • Educators

  • Those who are doing equity & anti-oppression work

Course curriculum

    1. Watch the replay here

About this course

  • Understand how Kimberlé Crenshaw's framework of Intersectionality in a necessary lens for ALL Restorative Practitioners.
  • Foster deeper self-awareness to see the impact of all the privileged and marginalized identities you embody in the various roles you play in your communities..
  • Interrogate beliefs and behaviors that prevent connection with people who's intersectional identities differ from yours.

Sliding Scale Investment

We want to make this learning accessible to everyone, so we invite you to contribute to our work according to your economic situation and privilege that comes with the intersections of your identity (if you're utilizing institutional funds, please pay at the "supporting" level). By more equitably sharing the financial responsibility, we make this learning both financially accessible to more folx and financially sustainable for us as we continue to create these resources and learning opportunities.


  • I can't make it live, can I get access to the recording?

    This session will be recorded. The recording will be shared (on this platform) with those who are signed up within 2 days.

  • I already know about Restorative Justice? Is this for me?

    This workshop lightly touches on RJ basics, but is much more focused on intersectionality frameworks. If your RJ education has been about to circle processes and repair of harm frameworks we're building on that. Adding an intersectional lens will help you more equitably embody these practices. All that is to say, there's probably something for you to learn here in this space. * If you've already gone through the RJ Intensive through Amplify RJ, some of this will be review, but you always learn something new being re exposed to this material.*

We're building a more just and equitable world!