Discover your potential, starting today

Text & media

The other sections are styled to help you create beautiful, high-converting pages. If you already know exactly what you want, use this section to add text, images, video, audio, etc. and build something completely custom. This is your sandbox — create what you want!

What You'll Learn

Restorative Justice is more than just non-punitive ways of addressing harm. This course WILL equip you facilitate Restorative Justice Processes, but also give you the skills and practices for building relationships rooted in equity and trust.

  • Develop practices for self & community care to sustain your practice

  • Identify and embody Restorative values is your everyday life

  • Unpack the ways your intersectional identity and socialization impact the people and communities you work in

  • Build capacity to create space for vulnerable sharing, while identifying and process emotionally charged situations

  • Understand the intricacies of a Restorative Processes and facilitate processes for yourself and others.